Dr Balavenkat Subramanian J
National Chairperson,
Message from National Chairperson
Greetings from Coimbatore !!
I, on behalf of the executive committee of AORA INDIA, am privileged to extend an invitation to all, to the forthcoming 14th Annual Conference of AORA INDIA from August 22-25, 2024, at the HITEX Centre, in Hyderabad.
AORA INDIA is proud of the singular focus on imparting knowledge through quality academic events. I am sure the 14th Annual Conference of AORA INDIA next August will be yet another jewel in her glittering crown.
I wish the organizing committee led by Dr TVS Gopal the very best. I welcome learned faculties, dear delegates and esteemed members of the medical industry to Hyderabad in August 2024 to participate in the scientific and social bonanza !!
With best wishes,
Balavenkat Subramanian J
National Chairperson,