Dr Amjad Maniar
Scientific Committee
Message from Scientific Committee Chair
Since 2011, AORA has been at the forefront in propagating regional anaesthesia in India through its annual conferences. An indefatigable executive committee ensures that boutique conferences are also held throughout the year across the country. Our vision has always been to offer our fraternity, high quality scientific content along with the best in clinical practices. In 2024, we continue with our vision and find ourselves “breaking barriers” in the magnificent city of Hyderabad.
Despite the multiple sub specialties that anaesthesia has branched into, we are commonly united with the conundrum of managing pain in various guises, as well as objectively diagnosing and managing complex emergencies within the hospital. The introduction of ultrasound brought about a renaissance in regional anaesthesia and revolutionized our role as experts in the management of pain. It is unsurprising that ultrasound now begins to usher in the era of POCUS for the anaesthesiologist.
We are excited to introduce a structured curriculum for POCUS at this conference. We believe this will add another dimension to clinical practice in the coming years. Whether you work in the operating room, the ICU or in emergency, you will undoubtedly find this content useful.
As chronic pain evolves into a widespread problem that will continue to plague patients, it is essential that every anaesthesiologist is able to predict, recognize and prevent this entity. Sections on this conference will focus on the nuances of chronic pain to ensure that all of us can offer solutions and guide patients into comfort.
Finally, with the ethos of regional anaesthesia firmly entrenched in our DNA, you can look forward to the latest updates, techniques, discussions and controversies that AORA continually brings forth which will remain the core of the conference.
This knowledge will be organized into keynote lectures, themed sessions, masterclasses, simulations and interactions put together by a diverse scientific committee and delivered to you by both national and international authorities in the field. A bouquet of carefully selected workshops will ensure that all practical aspects are well covered.
It doesn't matter if you are in training, involved in a different sub speciality of anaesthesia or are a senior practitioner, AORA 2024 has something for all of us. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, the executive committee and scientific committee of AORA 2024, I am pleased to welcome you to the 14th Annual Conference of AORA INDIA to be held in Hyderabad on the 22nd - 25th August, 2024 at the HITEX centre.
Amjad Maniar
Chairperson, Scientific Committee