Vrushali Ponde
National Secretary,
Message from Secretary & Treasurer
A revered NAMASTE to all !!
After two years of gloom owing to the pandemic, the joint conference of AOSRA & AORA INDIA in September 2022 in the vibrant city of Mumbai came as a breath of fresh air. Normalcy was restored and it was so rewarding to partake in the bonhomie shared by all participants of this four day event.
Fast forward to August 2024, the 14th Annual Conference of AORA INDIA will be held between August 22nd - 25th in the charming city of Hyderabad at the HITEX centre. The Organizing Chair is none other than my good friend, TVS Gopal, a founding pillar & National Chairperson of AORA INDIA. A committed local organizing team will work tirelessly to make this upcoming annual conference an experience to savour and cherish.
I look forward to welcoming you all to Hyderabad in August 2024 and eagerly await your participation.
Cheerfully yours,
Vrushali Ponde
National Secretary,